

Dallas is doing much much better on the Hill’s dry food mixed with Hill’s wet food.He eats all his breakfast and dinner. (Plus his other treats in between) I can tell
he feels so relaxed in his new home now.

Went out yesterday for 3 hours and when I got home he was sound asleep under the table.
I keep a radio playing on the table for him when I have to leave the house.

He is such a good boy and good watchdog.

Taking him to Pet Supermarket on Wed. for a harness just for training him to walk on
a leash. The technician suggested it after I told her how strong he was. She took
him to next room to get his stitches out and that is when she knew what I meant. (He
was running her)

My son has been buying the mini milkbones for his cocker and they are great for
training and also to keep their weight down. I have bought some too and Dallas loves
them. Had to break the small ones in half before. His cocker is 4 1/2 yrs and is
meeting with Dallas today. A female.

Good luck on your adoptions today. The Setzers called me late last night to tell me
they are adopting Max Bleu today. Bunny as I have always known her was so excited.
We both worked at the same school years ago. A very nice couple.

Have a great week!
