Buster and Bo

Buster and Bo

Meet Buster and Bo, a pair of 5-year-old Cocker Spaniel brothers who are looking for their forever home together. These larger, strong Cocker boys were surrendered to us because their loving owner is battling stage 4 breast cancer and can no longer care for them. Buster and Bo are used to a quiet adult household and are initially slow to warm up to new people. However, once they do, they are incredibly friendly and affectionate. They are inseparable and must be adopted together, as they provide each other with comfort and companionship. These loyal brothers will thrive in a calm and loving environment where they can feel safe and secure. If you’re looking for a pair of sweet and devoted dogs to add to your home, Buster and Bo are the perfect match for you. If you are interested in adopting, please fill out an application at https://www.floridacocker.org/adoptions. For more information, please call 813-245-1833. Potential adopters must have a verifiable veterinary history and should be willing to travel to the Tampa area for adoption if approved. ONLY APPROVED APPLICANTS WILL BE CONTACTED. This post will be removed once dog is placed. Please share this post!