Ranger and Shadow
Ranger and Shadow after grooming! We have loved every day since the joined us thesummer of 2008. Thank you Carol!
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Ranger and Shadow after grooming! We have loved every day since the joined us thesummer of 2008. Thank you Carol!
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Dallas is doing much much better on the Hill’s dry food mixed with Hill’s wet food.He eats all his breakfast and dinner. (Plus his other treats in between) I can tell he feels so relaxed in his new home now. Went out yesterday for 3 hours and when I got home he was sound asleep
Hi Carol, just wanted to let you know Dreyfus is still great in his forever home. hehas been the best guy we ever had. He is so spoiled sleeps anywhere he wants but the bed is his favorite. he is 10 now and it has been 6yrs since we got him from you. Thanks we
Joe Cocker (aka Snicker doodle) here. I love my forever home at Jewell iswonderful! She was a little standoffish at first but she warmed up to my personality. But He took care of Jewell does too. He took care of her breathing problem and her itchy ears. Dr Meyer works for Pet Smart. He and
This is Millie (AKA Goldie during her time at FCSR). I’ve had her for 4 and a halfyears. She was 7 or 8 when I adopted her in January 2010, so she’s a senior citizen, and the light of my life. What a great dog! Sharon Lynn
Hi Carol,Just a note to tell you how good Lola is doing. She worships my other dog, Lexie, and follows her everywhere. I’m glad they have each other. She had a pretty bad cough which my vet thought might be an infection but now says it was probably from the breathing tube she had during